Sunday, July 25, 2010

4 Month Check Up

We had our 4 month check up on July 13th. He weighed 13lb 13 oz. and was 25 inches long. He is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. His head measured 25 percentile. He is growing and developing more each day.
He loves to stand and have us help support him and babbles a lot! We are afraid once he starts really talking he is never going to stop. He has really started playing and interacting with toys. His favorite ones are the ones he can put in his mouth. He loves links and we attach them to everything.
He is sleeping about 11 hours at night and we are enjoying the sleep! The doctor told us we could start cereal when we thought he needed it. We will start when he gets hungry and can't sleep through the night. Soon we will learn about feeding with a spoon.
We have been checking into day cares for when I go back to work. It is not a fun process but we pray it will work out. We have gotten into the Kids R Kids in McKinney and hope to transfer to the Allen location when an opening comes. Although the day cares seem nice I am still untrusting and worried! I guess time will tell if we made the right choice.
He is such a joy and his personality is really starting to show. He is a happy baby (outside of nap time!)and fun to watch change and grow!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Big Steps

Landon is changing very quickly. In 3 weeks he went from not being able to sit up well to wanting us to help him stand. He is enjoying his exersauser and loves playing the musical notes. He will play in it until he is ready for his naps.
He has started rolling over more regularly. For a long time he would roll over when I was the only one home. Dad has finally seen him roll over too. We are still trying to get it on Video, no such luck. The best I have is a picture.
He started taking regular naps and naping for a good amount of time. A huge blessing!
He plays with toys and is always trying to watch the TV.

Fathers day

For fathers day we had our first time swimming. Landon enjoyed the pool and had fun with dad.


Landon went to VBS at Prestonwood with me, mom, and made his first gifts for mom and dad. He made a picture in the Stars outfits and a picture frame and made his footprints on a page for fathers day.