Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday fun at Frisco Fire Satation

 Don't Drive AWAY!
 Go Dasher and Dancer!

 Teach me how to be fire safe Mr. Safety Bear!
Tonight we went to the Frisco Fire Stations Safety Town. They have a whole set up for fire safety and holiday themed activity. Landon tried to write his first letter to Santa but was more interested in eating the crayon than drawing or writing. He got to take lots of pictures! Above you see one in the fire safety room with the fire bear and the Frisco Safety town Santa. He also tried to drive the fire truck and sat on the big sleigh. It was a great time. I am very glad we had the opportunity to go to this event and it had wonderful weather!

1st trip to the park

Today we went to the park to enjoy our lovely 85 Degree weather. Landon enjoyed the swing and slide. His first trip was a hit! I think mom and dad enjoyed it as much as him.

Monday, December 20, 2010

9 month check up

Today was the first day of my winter break and it was great to stay home with Landon! We hosted a playdate where Landons friends came over to play.
Then we had his 9 month appointment. He has allergies and is slightly anemic the dr. recommended Zyrtec and an iron supplement. He also has an appointment to get his closed tear duck opened in January.
Here are his measurements
Weight: 17lbs. 9oz., 25 percentile
Height: 28.5 in long, 75 percentile
Dad is hoping he has started on the road to being tall like him but only time will tell. He has 2 sounds Da and Ba and I noticed today P. We have noticed lately he saids BA alot when he is around Beau and other animals. It may be his first word. Landon has also started to try and take some steps while holding on to things (cruising). Today he tried to let go and walk (like the other kids at the playdate) but he fell pretty hard so it may be a while before he tries that again. I am sure going to enjoy spending the next 2 weeks with him and want it to last.
Can't wait for Christmas, I will post again real soon about the Holiday fun!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

9 Months old

Landon is now 9 months old. It is crazy how fast it has gone. We had photos taken at JCpennys on this 9 month birthday and they turned out great! He is doing alot now and is super active and curious. We have tried all fruits, veggies, and meat baby food that we are going to try and soon we will be trying some soft solids. He hasn't had alot of interest in walking yet but that is probably because he can get around so well crawling. He is a pro now that he has had 3 months practice. He loves obstacles to crawl over and between. He loves crawling up small steps and in between peoples legs and he pulls up on everything (sturdy or not).
He loves reading books and banging on boxes and plastic containers. Its alot of fun to watch him play! Christmas is just a week away and the family is excited to see him get spoiled over the holiday season.
We have our 9 month apointment in a few days so stay in tune for an update. We are excited to see how big he is measuring.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Visiting Santa

We went to visit Santa at the Willow Bend Mall. They have a great set up with a area to play in fake snow while waiting to see Santa. After seeing Santa they also have an area to take a family photo. It turn out to be a great photo opportunity! Landon was a little fussy that day but he did ok with Santa. He has never developed any stranger danger and was excited to go to Mrs. Clause. He was a little more intimidated my Santa but did fine. We are very excited about Landon's first Christmas!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Landons First Thanksgiving

We had Landons First Thanksgiving with lots of family. We started out going to Crockett to visit Granny and Paw Paw Platt. Landon had lots of fun palying with the news ads and breaking all the rules he has at home.

Next we headed to in Houston  for Thanksgiving day with the Reeves. Landon meet Many relatives for the first time and had a great time with Granny and Paw Paw-Reeves. Landon had Turkey babyfood I made in hornor or the holiday. I think he enjoyed all the attention and  time with family members!

On  the way home we went through Arlington to visit Grandma and Grandpa Landon enjoyed looking at the Christmas lights outside

Baby Dedication

November 14 Landon was dedicated to the Church. We attend Prestonwood Baptist church in Plano. Landon made his impression at his dedication. During the pastor speech to the families and babies Landon yelled out and the pastor stopped his message to talk to Landon. He made jokes about him saying amen. We were told this was a first for the pastor of Prestonwood, no other baby has ever interrupted him. That's our boy!

Rangers in the World Series

We had to support the Rangers in the World Series. Go Rangers!!


Halloween was fun with our little Lion. We called him Landon the Lion. We had fun at Halloween parties and trick or treating.

Time to catch up

For those who follow my blog. It has been a while. My computer broke in October and I have been waiting to get a new one. Thanks for your patience while I update all the events that have happen.