Saturday, May 7, 2011

Easter Weekend

Landon enjoyed the egg hunt!

He looks real cute in his bunny bib.

Here is what the Easter bunny brought him.

He had fun with the bubbles in his swing.
Easter weekend was a lot of fun for Landon. We had family and friends join us for a wonderful lunch on Sunday and an egg hunt. Landon had a lot of fun and played hard.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Brunch

Today, Saturday April 16th, we had an Easter brunch with out church class. Landon had many friends over to play and they enjoyed some food, toys, an egg hunt, and some bubble fun!

 These are the youngest of our brunch attendees. Jack and Cody.
 Picking up eggs was fun for Landon but he discovered that they opened and had goldfish in them. The hunt was over! He just wanted to open and close the eggs. After he finished eating all his goldfish he found Samuel's basket of eggs and started on them.
 The kids loved the bubble blower! Landon was willing to practice his standing up so he could get a better view of them.
 Here are Claire, Piper, and Addison loving the bubbles!
Here is Landon going through Samuel's Easter eggs.


We had a fun playdate Friday April 15th. We got to see our friend Tristian and Payton. Landon and Tristan were being all boy and Payton joined in the play when she felt brave.
We can both play music!

 We can all play with the house and this time no one got hurt!
We always want to share but notice, they both drink our of the same cup. Not what we had in mind of sharing. Tristan was much better at sharing than Landon. Landon wants what ever someone else has.

The boys loved thier easter baskets, Thanks grandma J!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Easter Bunny- so cute!

We had our picture taken with the Easter bunny and Landon loved it.  After the picture he wanted to stay with the bunny and not come back to mommy. We have not descovered anything he is scared of yet.

Still working- Godzilla

Landon is now almost 13 months. He is not walking, saying any words, or signing  but I am sure he will any day. He seems to be very stubbrun (He must get it from dad :-)We are working on how to play correctly with his toys. He loves to crawl and climb all over everything and everyone, and we like to call him Godzilla! Here is an example of how the toys aren't used correctly and how our godzilla likes to get around since he isn't interested in walking. We LOVE our Godzilla!

St. Pattys Day

St. Patricks Day is the day after Landons birthday and I made him a cute onsie with grandmas help. He loved playing with his train and showing off his shirt!

Landons First Birthday!

 Landon got a slide from Grandma and grandpa! He enjoyed sliding on it with grandpa.
We didn't have time to set up his swing so grandpa gave him a ride before the party!

 Here is Landons cake. He did a good job of eating most of it all by himself. It was made out of a banana bread cake and homemade icing from our friend Heather. She did such a great job!

Notice how much cake he ate. I finally stopped him with about 3/4s was finished off. He has a HUGE appetite!

The Ball pit was a big hit with the kids!
He had lots of fun opening gifts, (we practiced before). All he wanted to do was play with the toys as we unwrapped. We got alot of great gifts and Landon has enjoyed playing with all of them!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Getting ready to be 1

We are very excited and a little stressed but we are getting ready for Landons first birthday party next weekend.

sick, sick, sick

Monday of Presidents day Landon started running a fever and we made a trip to the doctor. They tested his oxygen and it was fine but he did have an ear infection and a bad cough. He stayed home with Grandma Jasper from Tuesday- Friday, thank goodness she was available!
We had to have Landon sleep in his car seat so he would be elevated and he did ok with it (surprisingly!).The following Monday he still had a very wet cough and returned to doctor to find out his sickness was also RSV. We were very lucky because we didn't have to spend any time in the hospital like most the babies we know that have gotten RSV. His contagious period was over because the fever stopped the previous week so he was ok to go back to day care after a day of getting breathing treatments.
The breathing treatments were very difficult at first and he would scream and have to be held down through the whole thing. Now he sits pretty good unless he is real tired. We have learned that turning on cartoons also helps. He looks like he is sleeping in the picture but he is just looking down.
He is almost back to normal now and we are glad he is feeling better. We are still having him sleep elevated until his birthday because I don't want any drainage to cause an infection to come back or make his cough worse.
Tomorrow will be our first day we return to church, which is where we are pretty sure he caught RSV. Wish us luck!

Closer to walking

Landon has been working on his walking skills while holding on to a walking toy or someones hands. He is getting more confident. He will push his push toys all around and often let go of one hand.
He also gets brave sometimes and will stand up on his own for a few seconds and then sits back down. His standing time is getting longer and longer. He sure has fun getting around with the help of toys.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Growing and learning

Landon has continue to play and learn these past weeks. He is getting closer to his 1st birthday and closer to walking. We have put up a baby gate in front of the stairs because Landon loved to go up the stairs anytime we wern't looking. How he loves to stand at the gate and shake it.
Landon loves to play after his bath with no clothes on. He always go to his sock basket and throws them out one by one until there aren't anymore in the basket. Then he puts them in his mouth and crawls in a circle. He puts the socks back in the basket and starts again. Its very cute and funny to watch! He stays entertained

Friday, February 4, 2011

4 snow days

We are in our 4th day of snowdays with no school, daycare or work! The super bowl is 2 days away and although they have kept the area around Jerrys world clear of snow and salted. The rest of us are on our own! We have resorted to unique toys and entertainment. Maybe later we when the snow stops falling we will try and go out for some fun!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

3 days at home

In Dallas, for the first time since I have been alive, we have had 3 closed school days in a row. Ever school distric and most work places are closed. Landons day care is closed and I am home. Franks work was closed the 1st day and had lost power the second. We are not sure what will happen with him going to work tomorrow. We have enjoyed the extra time with Landon at home but are starting to get cabin fever.

 Crawling through the pop up tent tunnel
 Taking over the dogs bed, Beau has not enjoy the extra time with Landon at home!
 Fun on our bouncing zebra and a funny face to go with it!
Signing our Valentines day treats for the other kids at day care. We have been trying to keep ourselves busy!

Franks Birthday

Franks birthday was great. We had a weekend full of fun, and Landon enjoyed helping dad open his gifts!

Day care poster

At Landons day care the kids create a star student poster for thier birthday. We did Landons early because there were no birthdays before his in March. I was very proud and it turned out real cute.

Meeting Cousins

In January Landon got to meet my cousin Brandi. We had a fun dinner with all my cousins and Landon enjoyed playing with Brayden and meeting Brandi. It was an eventful meal!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Family Visit

 He loves an obstacle

We had some family visitors today. Landon got to play with his great grandmother and great grandfather, his grandfather and 2 cousins. He sure had fun climbing over things and people, eating lots of peas, puffs and such, and making a break for the stairs when we weren't looking. (thankfully he didn't fall down them!) His knees were all red when he went to bed from the extra crawling and climbing with his guest! What a fun day!
I don't think he has a good concept of how to play with this toy.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snowy Day!

Sunday January 9th we had snow in Dallas. It started as we left church and continued until about 6 that evening. Landon had lots of fun playing in the snow. He played until his hands were cold and he begin to fuss. The snow lasted for about 5 days so we brought some in for him to play with each day. He love it!

Gifts, Gifts, and more Gifts

 I love my cousin Brayden
 Playing with Granny
 Fun Gifts!

Landon had alot of fun visiting family and being spoiled this Chirstmas. We started in Arlington and did Christmas with my family. We had a big Christmas eve dinner and gift exchange, I think Landons favorite part was chasing around Brayden, his cousin. Santa visited Christmas morning to spoil Landon some more! We left on the 26th and traveled to Houston to have Christmas with the Reeves where he was showered with more great stuff. It was a lot of fun.