Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Holiday fun at Frisco Fire Satation

 Don't Drive AWAY!
 Go Dasher and Dancer!

 Teach me how to be fire safe Mr. Safety Bear!
Tonight we went to the Frisco Fire Stations Safety Town. They have a whole set up for fire safety and holiday themed activity. Landon tried to write his first letter to Santa but was more interested in eating the crayon than drawing or writing. He got to take lots of pictures! Above you see one in the fire safety room with the fire bear and the Frisco Safety town Santa. He also tried to drive the fire truck and sat on the big sleigh. It was a great time. I am very glad we had the opportunity to go to this event and it had wonderful weather!

1st trip to the park

Today we went to the park to enjoy our lovely 85 Degree weather. Landon enjoyed the swing and slide. His first trip was a hit! I think mom and dad enjoyed it as much as him.

Monday, December 20, 2010

9 month check up

Today was the first day of my winter break and it was great to stay home with Landon! We hosted a playdate where Landons friends came over to play.
Then we had his 9 month appointment. He has allergies and is slightly anemic the dr. recommended Zyrtec and an iron supplement. He also has an appointment to get his closed tear duck opened in January.
Here are his measurements
Weight: 17lbs. 9oz., 25 percentile
Height: 28.5 in long, 75 percentile
Dad is hoping he has started on the road to being tall like him but only time will tell. He has 2 sounds Da and Ba and I noticed today P. We have noticed lately he saids BA alot when he is around Beau and other animals. It may be his first word. Landon has also started to try and take some steps while holding on to things (cruising). Today he tried to let go and walk (like the other kids at the playdate) but he fell pretty hard so it may be a while before he tries that again. I am sure going to enjoy spending the next 2 weeks with him and want it to last.
Can't wait for Christmas, I will post again real soon about the Holiday fun!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

9 Months old

Landon is now 9 months old. It is crazy how fast it has gone. We had photos taken at JCpennys on this 9 month birthday and they turned out great! He is doing alot now and is super active and curious. We have tried all fruits, veggies, and meat baby food that we are going to try and soon we will be trying some soft solids. He hasn't had alot of interest in walking yet but that is probably because he can get around so well crawling. He is a pro now that he has had 3 months practice. He loves obstacles to crawl over and between. He loves crawling up small steps and in between peoples legs and he pulls up on everything (sturdy or not).
He loves reading books and banging on boxes and plastic containers. Its alot of fun to watch him play! Christmas is just a week away and the family is excited to see him get spoiled over the holiday season.
We have our 9 month apointment in a few days so stay in tune for an update. We are excited to see how big he is measuring.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Visiting Santa

We went to visit Santa at the Willow Bend Mall. They have a great set up with a area to play in fake snow while waiting to see Santa. After seeing Santa they also have an area to take a family photo. It turn out to be a great photo opportunity! Landon was a little fussy that day but he did ok with Santa. He has never developed any stranger danger and was excited to go to Mrs. Clause. He was a little more intimidated my Santa but did fine. We are very excited about Landon's first Christmas!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Landons First Thanksgiving

We had Landons First Thanksgiving with lots of family. We started out going to Crockett to visit Granny and Paw Paw Platt. Landon had lots of fun palying with the news ads and breaking all the rules he has at home.

Next we headed to in Houston  for Thanksgiving day with the Reeves. Landon meet Many relatives for the first time and had a great time with Granny and Paw Paw-Reeves. Landon had Turkey babyfood I made in hornor or the holiday. I think he enjoyed all the attention and  time with family members!

On  the way home we went through Arlington to visit Grandma and Grandpa Landon enjoyed looking at the Christmas lights outside

Baby Dedication

November 14 Landon was dedicated to the Church. We attend Prestonwood Baptist church in Plano. Landon made his impression at his dedication. During the pastor speech to the families and babies Landon yelled out and the pastor stopped his message to talk to Landon. He made jokes about him saying amen. We were told this was a first for the pastor of Prestonwood, no other baby has ever interrupted him. That's our boy!

Rangers in the World Series

We had to support the Rangers in the World Series. Go Rangers!!


Halloween was fun with our little Lion. We called him Landon the Lion. We had fun at Halloween parties and trick or treating.

Time to catch up

For those who follow my blog. It has been a while. My computer broke in October and I have been waiting to get a new one. Thanks for your patience while I update all the events that have happen.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Big Orange Pumpkin Farm

Monday we went to the Big Orange Pumpkin Farm in Celina. It was fun to try and get pictures of him with all the pumpkins and decor. Landon also cut his second tooth on Monday so he wasn't the easiest to photograph that day but we still managed to get some great pictures!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

7 Months old

Our little baby is getting older and older and we can't believe how fast the time has gone! He is a full blown crawler now and can make it across the room with out stopping.
The last month has been a whirlwind of crazy events. It started with the Similac recall. Landon was really sick for about 10 days from formula that apparently had beetle parts in it. After he was fully recovered he was very hungry until the throwing up began. We thought it was teething but there has now been a recall on Kroger green peas. I used Kroger brand green peas to make his baby food that he was eating when the throwing up began. According to the Kroger website the Texas Kroger’s were not a part of this recall.... Leaving us not knowing if the throwing up was a reaction to teething or peas. We are wondering what the odds are that he would get both items in 1 month that were recalled!
He spent the weekend at Grandmas and Grandpa’s last weekend and this weekend. I took him to Arlington last weekend because Frank had a fever and we didn’t want Landon to get it on top of all his sicknesses recently. This weekend was a scheduled trip so we could go to the fair and hang out together. It was greatly enjoyed but we are ready to have him back and miss him a lot.

Tomorrow we are going to the pumpkin farm in Celina. Stay tune for some great fall pictures!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

First Tooth

Landon has his first tooth. It started Thursday early morning (Oct. 8th) Landon was fussing and when we went to check on him he had thrown up all over his sheets. This continued until about 7:00. As the day continued he didn't want to eat and threw up 1 more time in the early afternoon. We thought he was sick again and couldn't figure out what was wrong. We told a few people about what had happen and they told us he may be teething. Sure enough Friday night his first tooth broke skin. He never got a fever or diarrhea but he did lose his appetite and vomited. He is finally getting back to himself but I worry this will happen every time he is getting a new set of teeth. The good news is we now know what is wrong and know it will soon improve.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cute Picture

A cold front came through and thought its not cold enough for the hat to be needed we tried it on for a picture anyways. He is such a cute boy!

Landon on the move

Landon has started to do some crawling. He started out getting up on all 4s just before his 1/2 birthday(6 Months old). He had some set back while he was sick from the Similac formula beetle experience. He slept alot and wasn't very active for about a week and 1/2. Once recovered he was back up on all 4s and doing some creeping. This was soon followed by him actually tring to move his arms. He falls on his belly alot but gets right back up and tries again. We are calling him determined but he is probably just stubborn. He loves reaching for papers and water bottles. His knees are red from all his practice and falling but he continues to be on the move. I included a picture of him working on his crawling skills.Enjoy!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Cowboy Fan

Cowboy Jersey

Cowboy Sleeper

His Cowboy Onsie

Now that football season has started Landon is learning about being a Dallas Cowboy fan. He has a selection of cowboy outfits as you see in the pictures. I love seeing our little cowboy fan!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

6 month check up

We went for Landons 6 month check up today. He weighs was 16lbs 8oz and height is 26 1/2 inches. He is 50th percentile for weight and height and his head is 25 percentile. He is your average size baby with a slightly small head. Landon played a game of kick the doctor while she was trying to do her exam. Every time she would lean over him he would turn his legs towards her and kick. He thought it was funny; she was impressed with how strong he was. He got shots in both of his thighs and we go back in a week for 2 more. I can't believe it’s his 1/2 birthday today. Time passes so fast!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fast changes

This week Landon has imporved on his sitting. He can sit for a long period of time and loves to pass toys from one hand to the other and back again. He loves the tag on toys so we have left it on one of his favorite balls as you can see in the picture.
He has started to spin on his tummy, turning circles and getting what he wants. He is also close to crawling. He has gotten on all 4s a few times but he usually just rocks slightly and falls. He does alot of swimming motions. We are not ready for the crawling thing! We like that he stays in one area when we put him on the floor. I am sure it will be soon and life with Landon as we know it now will be changing. Tomorrow we have our 6 month apointment and I am really excited! Lots of new things ahead.

Friday, September 10, 2010

New tricks

This month has been exciting. I feel like time is flying by. I think it is a combination of me not being home with him anymore and him learning quickly. It seems like every day is a new thing.
I have been working alot with him on sitting up. He has some control but will tip over after a minute or so. He has learned how to spin on his stomach, and uses this to follow beau where ever he goes. Its quite funny.
We started giving him rice ceral at 5 1/2 months. He hated it at first but loves it now. Aunt Rebecca had a chance to give him cereal when she was in town and he was very funny. He would eat our of her hand of some dripped in it.
I have discovered consignment sales and he has gotten lots of new toys lately. Some of these pictures are Landon with new toys. I am looking the most forward to the resale shops Haloween costume sale tomorrow morning and the consignment sale at the end of September.
Its been so much fun watching him grow and I can't believe how blessed my life is with Frank and Landon. Its funny to think about where we were a year ago compared to now. We have loved every minute.
We have his 6 month check up later next week. I am excited to see how much he has grown and what we get to start doing next.

5 months old

Landon is 5 months now and started day care. He goes to Ms. Sandy's Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and stays with dad on Friday. Mondays we alternate between Frank, my mom (grandmom), and a friend, Heather.
He seems to really enjoy Ms. Sandy's. She says she has never heard him cry and he takes long 2 hour or longer naps. Naps are still a battle when he is at home. We rock him and lay down with him and he still fusses until he falls asleep but we are finally on a good schedule.
This is a picture from his first day of day care.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

4 Month Check Up

We had our 4 month check up on July 13th. He weighed 13lb 13 oz. and was 25 inches long. He is in the 50th percentile for height and weight. His head measured 25 percentile. He is growing and developing more each day.
He loves to stand and have us help support him and babbles a lot! We are afraid once he starts really talking he is never going to stop. He has really started playing and interacting with toys. His favorite ones are the ones he can put in his mouth. He loves links and we attach them to everything.
He is sleeping about 11 hours at night and we are enjoying the sleep! The doctor told us we could start cereal when we thought he needed it. We will start when he gets hungry and can't sleep through the night. Soon we will learn about feeding with a spoon.
We have been checking into day cares for when I go back to work. It is not a fun process but we pray it will work out. We have gotten into the Kids R Kids in McKinney and hope to transfer to the Allen location when an opening comes. Although the day cares seem nice I am still untrusting and worried! I guess time will tell if we made the right choice.
He is such a joy and his personality is really starting to show. He is a happy baby (outside of nap time!)and fun to watch change and grow!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Big Steps

Landon is changing very quickly. In 3 weeks he went from not being able to sit up well to wanting us to help him stand. He is enjoying his exersauser and loves playing the musical notes. He will play in it until he is ready for his naps.
He has started rolling over more regularly. For a long time he would roll over when I was the only one home. Dad has finally seen him roll over too. We are still trying to get it on Video, no such luck. The best I have is a picture.
He started taking regular naps and naping for a good amount of time. A huge blessing!
He plays with toys and is always trying to watch the TV.

Fathers day

For fathers day we had our first time swimming. Landon enjoyed the pool and had fun with dad.


Landon went to VBS at Prestonwood with me, mom, and made his first gifts for mom and dad. He made a picture in the Stars outfits and a picture frame and made his footprints on a page for fathers day.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Play Time

Monday, Memorial day, Landon was sounding sick with a horrible cough and lots of congestion. We took him to the E.R. (only because the doctors office wasn't open) and they check him out. He didn't have anything just congestion, but he sounds horrible and doesn't feel well.
He is now 11 weeks old and suprises us with fun smiles all the time.

Growing Boy

Landon is finally fitting in to more of his clothes. I often play dress up to see whats fitting. This is the cutest yet!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dinner with The Reeves

Landons High chair is made for newborns so starting week 7 we had Landon sit at the dinner table with us. He loves it and is all smiles, dinner time is a good time!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

2 Month Check up!

Landon had his 2 month check up and his first set of shots. He weights 10lbs 9oz and is in the 25% for head size, weight, and length.
He is up to eating about 5-6 ounces every 3 hours and will go about 5-6 hours straight at night. In pictures with Frank he still looks really small in pictures with me he is starting to look bigger. He is a growing boy!
I returned back to work this week. So far I am ok with is all but I will be glad when summer arrives, only 10 more days!