Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fast changes

This week Landon has imporved on his sitting. He can sit for a long period of time and loves to pass toys from one hand to the other and back again. He loves the tag on toys so we have left it on one of his favorite balls as you can see in the picture.
He has started to spin on his tummy, turning circles and getting what he wants. He is also close to crawling. He has gotten on all 4s a few times but he usually just rocks slightly and falls. He does alot of swimming motions. We are not ready for the crawling thing! We like that he stays in one area when we put him on the floor. I am sure it will be soon and life with Landon as we know it now will be changing. Tomorrow we have our 6 month apointment and I am really excited! Lots of new things ahead.

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