Thursday, September 16, 2010

6 month check up

We went for Landons 6 month check up today. He weighs was 16lbs 8oz and height is 26 1/2 inches. He is 50th percentile for weight and height and his head is 25 percentile. He is your average size baby with a slightly small head. Landon played a game of kick the doctor while she was trying to do her exam. Every time she would lean over him he would turn his legs towards her and kick. He thought it was funny; she was impressed with how strong he was. He got shots in both of his thighs and we go back in a week for 2 more. I can't believe it’s his 1/2 birthday today. Time passes so fast!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fast changes

This week Landon has imporved on his sitting. He can sit for a long period of time and loves to pass toys from one hand to the other and back again. He loves the tag on toys so we have left it on one of his favorite balls as you can see in the picture.
He has started to spin on his tummy, turning circles and getting what he wants. He is also close to crawling. He has gotten on all 4s a few times but he usually just rocks slightly and falls. He does alot of swimming motions. We are not ready for the crawling thing! We like that he stays in one area when we put him on the floor. I am sure it will be soon and life with Landon as we know it now will be changing. Tomorrow we have our 6 month apointment and I am really excited! Lots of new things ahead.

Friday, September 10, 2010

New tricks

This month has been exciting. I feel like time is flying by. I think it is a combination of me not being home with him anymore and him learning quickly. It seems like every day is a new thing.
I have been working alot with him on sitting up. He has some control but will tip over after a minute or so. He has learned how to spin on his stomach, and uses this to follow beau where ever he goes. Its quite funny.
We started giving him rice ceral at 5 1/2 months. He hated it at first but loves it now. Aunt Rebecca had a chance to give him cereal when she was in town and he was very funny. He would eat our of her hand of some dripped in it.
I have discovered consignment sales and he has gotten lots of new toys lately. Some of these pictures are Landon with new toys. I am looking the most forward to the resale shops Haloween costume sale tomorrow morning and the consignment sale at the end of September.
Its been so much fun watching him grow and I can't believe how blessed my life is with Frank and Landon. Its funny to think about where we were a year ago compared to now. We have loved every minute.
We have his 6 month check up later next week. I am excited to see how much he has grown and what we get to start doing next.

5 months old

Landon is 5 months now and started day care. He goes to Ms. Sandy's Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and stays with dad on Friday. Mondays we alternate between Frank, my mom (grandmom), and a friend, Heather.
He seems to really enjoy Ms. Sandy's. She says she has never heard him cry and he takes long 2 hour or longer naps. Naps are still a battle when he is at home. We rock him and lay down with him and he still fusses until he falls asleep but we are finally on a good schedule.
This is a picture from his first day of day care.